The Van Veen Heritage Garden is a 501(c)3 charity and counts on donations from those interested in its mission and Kathy's dream. Please see our Projects tab for the most recent projects needing funding to help us achieve our goal.
Special thanks to those who want to see Kathy's wish come true! Should you wish to donate via check, please make it payable to VVHG and send your donations to:
Van Veen Heritage Garden
P.O. Box 86424
Portland, OR 97286-0424
Portland, OR 97286-0424
Should you wish to donate stock, please contact us through our contact form on the main page.
To donate through our Go Fund Me account, click below.
Our 501(c)3 number is: EIN: 82-2476711
To know more about this gem in the heart of its Portland neighborhood click HERE to read about the Van Veen Heritage Garden Story and our dreams for this property.
We are thankful for all contributions received. It is through the collective power of these numerous contributions that VVHG can make a tangible difference, improving the garden's infrastructure, expanding its reach, and enhancing the experience for everyone involved.